Film & Film Wrapping
Piet Marcou
RPC BPI Agriculture, France
La réduction de plastique consommé dans la production des liens de récolte des fourrages (ficelles et filets)
Jean-François Abraham
Agri-Novatex, France.
Silobolsas en Argentina.
Alberto Stavisky
CAPPA, Argentina
Agronomic performances of biodegradable films as an alternative to polyethylene mulches in vineyards
Dr. Emmanuelle Gastaldi
INRA Montpellier
Different applications of biodegradable and compostable materials in agriculture
Dr. Mario Malinconico
CNR, Italy
Mechanical properties of biodegradable mulch films
Dr. Glauco Battagliarin
BASF, Germany
Biodegradable mulch film in China, opportunity and challenge
Pr. He Wenqing
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, CAAS, China
Biodegradable mulch film in China, opportunity and challenge
Pr. He Wenqing
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, CAAS, China
Biomulch : Integrated solution for innovative biodegradation control of agricultural plastic mulches (pdf)
Fuensanta Monzó Sánchez
Centro Tecnológico del Calzado y del Plástico, Spain
Biodegradibility : the principles behind the standards
Francesco Degli Innocenti
Novamont, Italy
The use of biodegradable mulching on industry tomatoes in the North Italy
Dr. Marco Dreni
CIO Parma, Italy
Biodegradable plastics for improving the soil and fruit quality
Dr. Francesca Penalva Lapuente
Accumilation of (bio)degradable plastics in soil (pdf)
Sam Deconinck
OWS, Belgium
Accumilation of (bio)degradable plastics in soil (pptx)
Sam Deconinck
OWS, Belgium
How sustainable biodegradable and renevable mulch film are ? A quantitative approach in the light of sustainable development goals
Dr. Sara Guerini
Novamont, Italy
Biodegradable mulch film – clarification of polymer fate in soil
Pr. Andreas Kuenkel
BASF, Germany
Production of Bio-degradable mulch film with innovating sowing solutions as the future for Agriculture
Robert Shine
SAMCO, Ireland
Circular economy
Agri-plastics management in North-America : overview (pdf)
Barry Fiersen
CleanFarms, Canada
Agri-plastics management in North-America : overview (pptx)
Barry Fiersen
CleanFarms, Canada
Agricultural mulch film in China, importance and challenge
Pr. Yan Changrong
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, CAAS, China
The mulching case – how to improve collection and recovery (pptx)
Dr. Alice Arbenz
The mulching case – how to improve collection and recovery (pdf)
Dr. Alice Arbenz
The European model (ppt)
Jan Bauer
EPRO, Germany
The European model (pdf)
Jan Bauer
EPRO, Germany
Environmental impact reduction by mulching agronomic solution and crop protection
Mathilde Feydeau
Groupe BARBIER, France
Past, present and future of agricultural plastic in Brazil (pptx)
Dr. Antonio Bliska
Plasticulture in China (pptx)
Dr. Li Zhen
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, CAAS, China
Situation actual de la plasticultura en Guatemala (pptx)
Roberto Bran Shaw
Situación de la Plasticultura en Iberoamérica (pptx)
Hello Castellón Petrovich
CIDAPA, Venezuela
La plasticutura en España (pdf)
Blanca de Arteche
Plasticulture Worldwide Stake & Perspective (pptx)
Bernard Le Moine
CIPA, France
Protected crops
Light Level Under Shading Nets Affects Bell Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) Fruit Mineral Nutrients (pptx)
Pr. Juan Diaz-Perez
University of Georgia, USA
Agricultural Plastics Secure CEA Ubiquitous Applications in 21th Century (ppt)
Dr. Gene Giacomeli
University of Arizona, USA
Effect of greenhouses films on climate, energy, light distribution and crop performance (pptx)
Dr. Esteban Baeza
Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands
Photoselective shade nets for pepper cultivation in Southeastern Spain (ppt)
Dr. Josefa Lopez-Marin
IMIDA, Spain
LIGHT CASCADE : Innovative Optical Technology for Improved Agriculture Production (pdf)
Frédéric Peilleron
Flexible photovoltaïque film for tunnels (M75) (pdf)
Alain Janet
Solar Cloth System, France.
Flexible photovoltaïque film for tunnels (M120) (pdf)
Alain Janet
Solar Cloth System, France
Flexible photovoltaïque film for tunnels (ppsx)
Alain Janet
Solar Cloth System, France
Use of photo-catalysis in greenhouse film application (pptx)
Ermanno Traietta
Ultrabatch, Italy
Light quality and its effect on soilless strawberries cultivated in greenhouse (pptx)
François Pascaud
Invenio, France
Vegetable production
New experimental results on a black body based soil solarization system
Dr. Pasquale Mormile
Les paillages plastiques et l’asperge (pptx)
Christian Befve
Irrigation (pptx)
Arjan Janknegt
RIVULIS, Holland
Experiment with biodegradable soil mulches in pepper cultivation in plastic greenhouse (pptx)
Assoc. Prof. Piotr Siwek
ARKEMA, Poland
Film barriere pour améliorer l’efficacité en fumigation des sols_High barrier film of improved
Gaël du Fretay
ARKEMA, France
Evaluation de la dinamica de absorcion de calcio, magnesio y azufre en el cultivo de la cebolla (Allium Cepa L), en suelo con acolchado plastico, caserio el Rodeo, el Progreso, Jutiapa, Guatemala (pptx)
Pr. Iván Dimitri Santos Castillon
Facultad de Agronomia, USAC, Guatemala
Présentation d’un film couverture double-couche sur minitunnel (pptx)
Serge Farras
Europlastic, France
Effect and challenge of plastic films mulching on cotton production in China (pptx)
Pr. Yan Changrong
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, CAAS, China