International magazine for plasticultors, Plasticulture diffuse informations and R&D reports to the worlwide plasticulture community:
2018 N° 137
Master the agri-plastic negatives externalities
2017 N° 136
Biodegradable plastics in agriculture
2016 N° 135
Agriculture Ecologically Intensive
Plasticulture 2017 N°136
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– Biodegradable a solution for tomorrow? P.Cammal, CIPA President
– First level: a certification! Beaurepaire, CIPA biodegradable committee
– Biodegradable agricultural plastics, B. Le Moine CIPA general secretary
– Worldwide state of art for the perspectives of the third millennium, Pro. A.Arioli
– The BASF involvement on biodegradable plastic, Jens Hamprecht, BASF
– Recent trend and situation of bioplastics in Japan, Isao Inomata ITI Consulting
– Application of biotests for the determination of soil ecotoxicity after exposure to biodegradable plastics? S.Sforzini, University of Piemonte Orientale
– Combining the benefits of ecovio in both compostable bags and soil biodegradable mulch film. Rowan William, BASF
– Biodegradable twine in tomato crops. M. Le Lan, south-Brittany
And much more:
– Films & films wrapping system: enhanced silage fermentation and additional bale protection. J.Rubbrech, RPC bpi agriculture
– The benefits and challenge of plastic mulch in China, He Wenging, Y.Changrong. CAAS Insights at the production of cotton in Dzoungarie, B.Le Moine
– Plasticulture in China
Plasticulture 2016 N°135
– CIPA XXIst congress, P.Cammal, CIPA President
– Let’s be positive, B.Le Moine, CIPA general secretary
– Plastics and agro-ecological transition, B.Le Moine, CIPA general secretary
– Plasticulture in Europe, B.Figuier
– Plastic waste at sea: a major challenge, M.Loubry, PlasticsEurope
– The environemental commitment of Plasticultors. E.Vinuesa, CPA
– Economic and environmental impact of soil contamination in mulching films, Lepinau, Adivalor
– Barrier films in agricultural application, S.De, Nippon Gohsei
– RAFU, it works! F.Cogneau, Invenio
– Yield of esteviol glycosides and variation of total soluble solids of Stevia Rebaudiana under small tunnels, Dr Talariol
– Biodegradable plastics: a circular solution for agriculture, E.Moliner, Aimplast
– Investigation on cotton safety period of plastic mulch film in Northen Xinjiang. Y.Changrong